Owner and managing director at LeoGets, founder of "Made in China" by Vyaznikova. Expertise in procurement processing, industrial design, logistics and certification in China.
Expertise in pharmaceutical market in Russia and China. Drug certification, dietary supplements,medical goods and cosmetics. Designing, constructing and building facilities for pharma companies.
Owner at "Sazonov and partners". Expertise in legal services, criminal law and criminal defense for business, arbitration and commercial litigation in Russia and China.
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Our events
Opening of the Club
Pilot session with Club members and a guest speaker from Alibaba
February 2020
Transport logistics, customs, goods marking and certification
Members of the Club represent leaders of transport logistics market. They will share their expertise on regulations, trends and new horizons in logistics.
March 2020
Legal aspects of doing business with China
Members of the Club are founders of large law firms who will share their practices on opening and supporting business in China, getting legal defence, offering transaction support and verifying Chinese companies and suppliers.
April 2020
Big Data platforms, automatic data processing and artificial intelligence
Trending systems for market volume and searching for new partners. Guest speakers from Panjiva, Higher School of Economics
Group tour to Canton Fair in China
March 2020
Investing in China
Members of the Club will share their experience on accelerators and investing in Chinese IT and educational projects.
Who can join the Club
Students or alumni of Skolkovo Moscow School of Management